Flex Input UUID Custom Function for Google Sheets

Flex Input provides a UUID custom function for Google Sheets

Flex Input is the easiest way to get your content from where it is to where you need it to be. GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers, also known as UUIDs or Universally Unique Identifers) are reference numbers typically used when a unique identifier is needed but no central authority is available to issue identifiers. In common usage they are represented as a 36-character string formatted like 06237BD8-B9C2-4415-8934-DC5261E9C3CD or {DCD11818-544C-4CDF-B449-CB588536F13E}. If you need GUIDs as part of your Google Sheet, Flex Input makes it easy, using a menu option AND a custom function. Here's how to use the custom function:

1. Install the Flex Input Google Sheets extension from https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/flex_input/1042036131424

2. Open your Google Sheets™ file, then type the formula =UUID() into the cell you want to update, then press Return or Enter.

Using the UUID custom function

3. The new UUID will be populated into the cell.

Updated UUID value in cell

And that's it! Email us at support@flexinput.com with questions, comments or suggestions

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